Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cranky claim jumper.

HB's charming roommate: "HB was taking a nap and I was bored."
Syrup: "Pounce on her. She loves that."
HB: "No pouncing! I needs m'naps."
S: "You sound like a cranky claim jumper."
HB: "That's my alternate persona, Willie "Naps" McLogvaulter."

Monday, February 22, 2010

The horse your man could smell like.

Boyfriend J (attempted sexy Old Spice man voice): "I'm on a horse."
Syrup: " don't sound like him at all! sound like the horse!"

Friday, February 5, 2010

Enneagram Test


Apparently I'm a type six?

Monday, February 1, 2010


S (in a haze of sickness): "There's a web of mucus in my throat...ahh, skeet skeet motherf---[boyfriend J squishes my cheek with his forehead]--no, not on my face!"
Roommate (in living room, unable to see us): [endless laughter]